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Humboldt County, California, United States
Donna Kuhn is a poet, author, dancer, visual and video artist.

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email me:donnaskuhn@yahoo.com


Saturday, November 08, 2008

I Taste Your Slang


i eat the bud for u
i shout under no one
as i eat the bud for u

u can access her for anything
u can access her illusion
sell her spleen

laws of white lion rain
the cow is sold
in the bird lump
of falling

no things sell being u
the puppet with the overhead
swoon, it does not help

your faiytale is green
in the contamination door
it buys the thing of fairness

sell being u, sell them for me
faint in my basement
turn off her knock

speech is deep, the mistake
would like to run from itself
it can bake u, she is the place

sell for my loyalty
send in the lions lecture
marry your lecture tooth

anxiously taste my there
the lecture is deep
superficial regret

this is it, it possibly bakes your hair
she is the arrangement, u seize
what is stripped

anything like i, the place that matters
all is soiled, marry the chemical
of your conference tooth

open whisper the loop of your thunder
taste my time, the investigation of u is me
the surface regrets freezing

30 years sufficiently morning for u
the error wants to function
the error is continuous

orianna does not seize the distant cry
the sales of the to be the illusion of u
thunder the jargon over me

orianna, u grip the distance and do not scream
30 years of enough, escape it, transmit it
shape it

orianna, do not cry out, the conference
of becoming low, new york has the taste
of him, a horizon like that one because

u are his orianna, bird continuous
the fairytale is gone, california ends
whisper me not to sharpen the moment

the door is like language
u examine u in me
fill in the pain

30 years of something

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