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Humboldt County, California, United States
Donna Kuhn is a poet, author, dancer, visual and video artist.

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email me:donnaskuhn@yahoo.com


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Versions Of Something

the center for useless feet

get me dead breeds, hostile camels
whoever is a dangerous dog

dogs that go snap in the

with his snails, useless bird
misleading unethical fish

unexpected americans go snap

i can't, u vicious goat, demanding woman
at the center for chaotic mornings
dangerous magazines in me
i tell u to think like that

dangerous fat mammy cat

unexpected american girls with unruly art
misleading fun people with unnecessary collars
got a fun wife with cumbersome needs

my bed, your something but the thing must be disordered

my bed is different behavior
fox, unpleasant bird

i'll think of u a naked face

downtown dangerous dangerous dangerous girls
with dangerous dangerous dangerous magazines

confusing portraits sleep

he's content to go snap

extreme foot, hopeless foot
get out of my vicious goat

the center of kind, crowded ferrets

dangerous magazines in me

whoever, thereafter and versions of something

my bed is a dangerous dog
downtown dog in my bed

dogs that go snap in the fat mammy cat

critical kitty, people me with unnecessary collars

elusive cowboy, sad fish, inadequate try
narcotic ferret, intense ferret

women who read fashion amgazines

i dont tell anybody
i'll tell anybody
i dont tell u later
u dont have to tell me

dont tell me what to do

what does it not have to be
to be disordered depending
on me

the center of the city is a dangerous dog

select and release u

however, whoever, thereafter

and the versions of u

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