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Humboldt County, California, United States
Donna Kuhn is a poet, author, dancer, visual and video artist.

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email me:donnaskuhn@yahoo.com


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

narcissistic lace

your homegirl is your homegirl always

u lace your bird thing as it flew to safety

trouble trouble, it was always the same

your hand with the welts that agony


lace was cheap always

cheap the way that music

lights and u drop your

answers; it was light

and it was

u drop your brain in the sea

it was never always an

opportunity; drop an

opportunity, would


here was never light in your hand

u answer the way u open

u lose the days in your


u drop your face, narcissistic lace

your bird answers time

it was a thing with a face

i didnt have time to answer your hand

u are the sea opened outside

the sea contradicts u

the music is now open as an execution

i answer your music

i answer a bird

my sea opens my brain

sink open and drop my light

u were never the same again

your hand answers your own


the hand is a mean thing

the sea is technology

and the sea was

never u

just drop this flag and it sinks

u are the same again

time, the way a minor planet opens

at the center for minor holidays

the floor is a mean thing and

u are light in my ears

lace the sea that answers me

the sea is the answer in my hand

the floor of the ear

the way the brain unthinks me

and an answer appears

your face is trouble

trouble music lights

my ear

the narcissistic answer of a bird

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